How to Switch to a Child Theme

You use one of our theme and you want to switch to a child theme? Discover how to safeguard your website customizations during theme updates with our step-by-step guide.

How to Optimize his WordPress Website?

The performances can be improved by limiting the plugins installed on your website and shrinking you media. These are basics advises, but there are severals steps to go further.

Not Receiving Emails

Email in WordPress is tricky. The first thing to do is to check if your emails are well being sent from your WordPress site or not.

How to Hide Warnings on my Website?

Unlike errors, warnings won’t break your website. They’re just messages aimed at developers to improve their code. Adding some lines in your wp-config.php file will solve this.

Do you Offer Custom Development?

You want to go further with the customization of the theme/plugin? This is considered as customization work. We recommend that you hire a developer to do this work for you.

How to Extend your Support License?

You have exceeded your support license and need extra help? No worry, you can extend your support license anytime from your envato profile in Download tab.

Translating Verified Member for BuddyPress

Grimlock and its add-ons are printing lots of strings that might still be displayed in English. This post explains how to solve this in order to fully translate your website to your native language using Poedit.

How do I translate my website?

They are multiples ways to translate your website. However, each tool has its specificities. It’s important to choose how you’ll translate your website depending on your needs.

Translating Your Website Using Poedit

The best way to translate your website is to use Poedit to edit manually the dedicated language files that store translations of your site’s content in other languages.

Getting GDPR ready with BuddyPress

WordPress and BuddyPress help site owners to comply with the GDPR thanks to a couple of features in relation to “Right to Erasure” and “Right to data portability”.

Translating BuddyPress

To translate your BuddyPress website in one language, the best practise is to access to your ftp and place the .po and .mo files provided by the BuddyPress Community. This ensure good performances as you don’t use third party plugin.

Installing BuddyPress Follow Plugin

BuddyPress Follow Plugin allows you to add a Follow feature to your website. With this feature, your users will be able to follow other users by clicking on the Follow button on the user’s profile.

Private Messaging with BuddyPress

This feature works as an internal site’s email for your community’s members. They can reach other users on their friends list as well as reply to received messages.

Adding New Profile Fields to BuddyPress Members

Profile fields allow your users to add additional information about themselves. You can create as many profile fields as you like to ensure that your community has all the information it might need about other users.

How to edit the text in a menu?

The text in some sections will not be editable in the classic page builder. The reason is that they are in a menu displayed thanks to Grimlock Menu block.

Importing Manually Posts and Pages

In your Themeforest profile you can download the theme you bought with all files and documentation. This way, you can use the files provided to easily import the content manually.

Adding Member Swipe to MatchPress

Swipe through your BuddyPress members with a flick of your finger on your touch devices, or with a click of your mouse on desktop.

Getting MatchPress Support

We created a forum based support to allow us to better manage your questions and keep all related elements of the conversation in one place.

Setting MatchPress Options

MatchPress includes settings to add Likes, Super Likes and Skips to BuddyPress, or to control the directory layout and the way users can exchange between each others.

Installing MatchPress

MatchPress adds powerful matching features to BuddyPress. Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more to come!

Translating BP Profile Search

To translate the search forms, several strings that you’re looking for need to be translated from the BP Search Profile plugin.

Installing the Demo Using the Theme Setup

You just bought the theme and you wish to Import your favorite demo. Our theme setup will do this for you by activating the desired plugins and importing the demo content.

Improving Website Performances

The performance of your website can be improved significantly when following the right steps. Here are few tips that will help you get your pages loading faster.

Translating Your Website with Loco Translate

Looking for a way to translate your site to your native language? Loco Translate provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files and integrates with automatic translation services.

Exporting and Importing the Customizer Options

It can be useful to export your WordPress customizer settings to save them or import them on another website. This way, you can recreate easily a clone of your website or start fresh with a backups of the customizer options.

Making My Website Private

Restrict your website or blog may be useful to allow your community to express itself freely. You can quickly achieve that thanks to a plugin.

Installing Your Theme with Envato Studio

You have the option of letting Envato Studio install and import the demo for you. This way, it ensures that your demo is fully imported so you can get to work and focus on your project.

Creating the Homepage

Create a New Homepage Your theme allows you to add blocks to showcase marketing oriented […]

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What You Are Looking For?

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Discover MatchPress

Skip • Like • Super-Like

Add powerful matching features like Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more.

Holiday, Weather & Festive effects
to pimp your WordPress Site