In your Themeforest profile, in the Download part, you can download the package of the theme you bought. When you’ll click on Download, you’ll see some options to get specifics files. We suggest you to click on All files & documentation. Then, unzip this file.
In Dashboard > Tools > Import click on “Install now” under the WordPress feature. It will help you to import the posts and pages of the demo with the files you downloaded. Once this feature is installed, click on “Run importer”.
Then, you’ll find the right file in the folder you downloaded previously. Go to Demos > the demo of your choice and select the .xml file to import. All the pages and posts should now be added on your website.
Going Further
Importing The Widgets Manually on Your Website
In your Themeforest profile you can download the theme you bought with all files and documentation. This way, you can easily import manually specific content like the widgets.
Exporting and Importing the Customizer Options
It can be useful to export your WordPress customizer settings to save them or import them on another website. This way, you can recreate easily a clone of your website or start fresh with a backups of the customizer options.
Translating Your Theme
Translating your website in one language manually is the best practise to ensure good performances as you don’t use third party plugin. To do it, you’ll have to access to your ftp and translate some specific files with Poedit.