Heads up! Download the BuddyPress Follow Plugin
This plugin has to be installed on GitHub. To download this plugin, click here.
After downloading the plugin by clicking here, go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin and select the .zip file. Then, install and activate this plugin.
Once this plugin is activated, you should now be able to follow users. Simply visit their profile and hit the follow button under their name.
Going Further
Limiting Content to Paid Members
With PMPro, you can create some membership levels for your users to buy to access premium content.
Frontend Posting With Social Articles
Allow your community members to write posts about the subject of their choice and let them share their work on the common feed of your blog
Private Messaging with BuddyPress
This feature works as an internal site’s email for your community’s members. They can reach other users on their friends list as well as reply to received messages.