Not Receiving Emails

Email in WordPress is tricky. The first thing to do is to check if your emails are well being sent from your WordPress site or not.

Getting GDPR ready with BuddyPress

WordPress and BuddyPress help site owners to comply with the GDPR thanks to a couple of features in relation to “Right to Erasure” and “Right to data portability”.

Translating BuddyPress

To translate your BuddyPress website in one language, the best practise is to access to your ftp and place the .po and .mo files provided by the BuddyPress Community. This ensure good performances as you don’t use third party plugin.

Installing BuddyPress Follow Plugin

BuddyPress Follow Plugin allows you to add a Follow feature to your website. With this feature, your users will be able to follow other users by clicking on the Follow button on the user’s profile.

Private Messaging with BuddyPress

This feature works as an internal site’s email for your community’s members. They can reach other users on their friends list as well as reply to received messages.

Adding New Profile Fields to BuddyPress Members

Profile fields allow your users to add additional information about themselves. You can create as many profile fields as you like to ensure that your community has all the information it might need about other users.

Installing BuddyPress Docs

Heads up! This plugin requires BuddyPressBefore you can use BuddyPress Docs, you will first need […]

BuddyPress Basic setup

The basic settings of BuddyPress can seem hazy and difficult. In outline BuddyPress is composed […]

Finishing BuddyPress Setup

Heads up! Make sure BuddyPress is installed first! Please make sure you have BuddyPress installed […]

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Skip • Like • Super-Like

Add powerful matching features like Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more.

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to pimp your WordPress Site