Hiding Admin Users From the Members Directory
If you want to find out how to add a PHP code snippet to your site, you can visit this other article of our documentation: Adding Custom PHP Without Changing Your Child Theme.
If you would like to hide your administrators from the member directory, these two posts explain every steps needed and provide very helpful snippets:
Hide BuddyPress Members Directory
Exclude Users from Members directory on a BuddyPress based social network
Hiding Admin Users From the BuddyPress Widgets
If you wish to also hide admin users from the native BP widgets, please also read the following topic:
If you have further questions with BuddyPress, it’s best if you try to reach the plugin authors. They will be more informed and better suited to help you.
To go further, we invite you to post your request on their support forums:
Going Further
Managing Roles, Member Types and Groups with BuddyPress
BuddyPress includes several useful components right off the bat, such as member types and groups, which can be enabled or disabled. These features can also be extended by several plugins.
Installing MatchPress
MatchPress adds powerful matching features to BuddyPress. Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more to come!
My members directory show no members or only one
By default, BuddyPress only shows members considered as “active members” on the site. Even if you manually activated the users, there is one more step to make them visible.