Heads up! Want to manage documents on your site ?
To manage documents, all our themes are compatible with the BuddyPress Docs plugin. If you haven’t already, we recommend that you install BuddyPress Docs first.
BuddyPress Docs allows you or your users to create and manage documents. To those documents can be attached various types of files, like PDFs, Word documents, Excel sheet, etc…
Want test out these features and see how BuddyPress Docs integrates with our themes ? Check out our BuddyPress Docs showcase with the Cera theme !
Adding Attachments to a Document
Here’s how to proceed to attach files to a BuddyPress Docs document :
- Open your BuddyPress profile page, then click the “Docs” tab.
- If you want to create a new document, click the “Create Document” button. If you want to attach a file to an existing document, find it in the list then click the “Edit” button.
“Docs” tab in BuddyPress profile - Set your document title and content, then under “Attachments“, click the “Add files” button.
Document edit form - Drag and drop your files into the media popup to add them to your document.
- Click “Save” at the bottom of the page to save your document with your attached files.
Going Further
Installing BuddyPress Docs
Heads up! This plugin requires BuddyPressBefore you can use BuddyPress Docs, you will first need […]
Creating Documents with Limited Access
Allows your users to create documents, manage them and set limit access to each document created depending on their needs.