In order to allow us to answer you as well as possible, we invite you to register on our support forum. It allows us to better manage your questions and share the solution with other support members. Be sure your topics come to us directly, but this way, we can keep all related elements of the conversation in one place.
To register on our support forum, please follow this link:

To be able to post topics, you have to link your License Key to your profile on our support forum. To find it, please go to your user profile on Then, in My Account > Download & Licenses > View Licenses, you should find the key to add to your profile on our support forum.
once your profile is complete, you should be able to post a topic on our support forum by selecting the right category on this page:
Please be aware that we ask our community to comply to very simple rules, like splitting long and convoluted questions into short straight-to-the-point questions, like sharing highlighted screenshots as much as possible or like posting one topic per request or subject.
Going Further
Adding Member Swipe to MatchPress
Swipe through your BuddyPress members with a flick of your finger on your touch devices, or with a click of your mouse on desktop.
Setting MatchPress Options
MatchPress includes settings to add Likes, Super Likes and Skips to BuddyPress, or to control the directory layout and the way users can exchange between each others.
Installing MatchPress
MatchPress adds powerful matching features to BuddyPress. Member likes, skips, super likes, conditional private messaging and much more to come!