Heads up! Want to manage memberships and charge your users for premium content ?
To manage memberships and create a premium content website, all our themes are compatible with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin. If you haven’t already, we recommend that you install Paid Memberships Pro first.
Paid Memberships Pro offers various ways to limit content access for certain membership levels.
Before you can restrict content access to your paid users, you’ll first need to create some membership levels for your users to buy. If you want a quick start on that subject, take a look at Creating a Pricing Table with Paid Memberships Pro.
Want test out these features and see how Paid Memberships Pro integrates with our themes ? Check out our Paid Memberships Pro showcase with the Cera theme !
Want test out these features and see how Paid Memberships Pro integrates with our themes ? Check out our Paid Memberships Pro showcase with the Gwangi theme !
Restricting Post Categories
One of the ways of limiting access to your posts is by using categories. To add categories limitations for a specific pricing plan, proceed as follows :
- From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Memberships > Settings.
- Select the membership level for which you want to give access to your premium categories.
- At the bottom of the membership level form, under “Content Settings“, tick the boxes for each category you want to give access for this membership level.

Restricting Entire Posts / Pages
Another way for premium content limitation, is to restrict access to a whole page or post. Here’s how you can achieve that :
- From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Posts > All Posts or Pages > All Pages depending if you want to restrict a page or a post.
- Edit the post / page you want to restrict.
- On the right hand side of the block editor, scroll down to find the “Require Membership” section.
- Tick the boxes for each membership level that should get access to this post / page.

Restricting Parts of a Post / Page
The last way to restrict content is to limit the visibility of a specific part in a post or page. For example, you could use this to show the first part of a post, and hide the rest for non-members while inviting them to subscribe to your site to get access to the full post.
Here are the steps to do that :
- From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Posts > All Posts or Pages > All Pages depending if you want to restrict a page or a post.
- Edit the post / page in which you want to restrict some content.
- Add a “Require Membership” block in your content.
- Tick the boxes for each membership level that should get access to this content.
- Drag & drop all the content you want to restrict inside of that “Require Membership” block.
“Require Membership” block - Then if you wish, you can add another “Require Membership” block to determine what your non-members will see and invite them to subscribe.
“Require Membership” block for non-members
Going Further
Installing Paid Memberships Pro
Paid Memberships Pro gives you all the tools you need to start, manage, and grow […]
Creating a Pricing Table with Paid Memberships Pro
Heads up! Want to manage memberships and charge your users for premium features ?To manage […]
Limiting Posts Creation to Paid Members
Heads up! Want to manage memberships and charge your users for premium content ?To manage […]