Heads up! You’ll need Elementor plugin.
Once the demo is imported, you’ll have to download Elementor and install it on your website to proceed to the next steps. You can download this plugin by clicking here.
Themosaurus + Elementor = 💔
We’re currently working on a number of exciting new products! We have full confidence in Blocks Themes and are currently developing new Gutenberg blocks to extend the possibilities.
Please note that we will no longer be ensuring Elementor compatibility. We’ve made it compatible because many of our users have requested it. However, Elementor adds its layer on top of the standard WordPress core, which is not optimal, for exemple, concerning the performances. It’s no longer in line with our mission to create fluid, easy-to-use themes.
We’re sorry and we hope you’ll understand. But most of all, we hope you’ll give Block Themes a chance, as they are really powerful!
Installing the Demo
Install and activate the theme. Then, follow the steps through the setup wizard to install the required plugins and import all the demo content.
Install and activate the Elementor plugin. Once this plugin is activated, you’ll get a warning on the top of your WP Admin Panel to inform you that Grimlock For Elementor is required. Click on Begin installing plugin to install and activate it.

Importing the Package
Available Templates
Go to Dashboard > Templates > Saved Templates and click on Import Templates to select the file you will download. Download the templates by clicking on the link below. Then, unzip the file you just downloaded to import the .json files. Note that the templates that will be imported are the list of the actual pages you’ll have to delete on the next step.
You can download the Elementor templates by clicking on the right demo listed below:
Available Kits
The demo can be imported by using an Elementor kit. To use this feature, go to Elementor > Tools > Import/Export. In the “Import a Template Kit” bloc, click on “Start Import”. you will be able to find the options located in Elementor > Tools.
To know more about this, this article from Elementor Documentation might catch your attention: Import Kit
You can download the Elementor kit by clicking on the right demo listed below:
Replacing the Pages
The name of the Elementor templates you imported on the previous step are the name of the page you’ll have to re-create. Each theme has a different number of pages. Go to your Dashboard > Pages and select the pages you want to delete.
Then, create a new page. On the Page Attributes, select the Elementor Full Width template and publish your page.
Once the right template is set and the page is published, edit your page by clicking on Edit with Elementor.

Click on the Templates icon. Then, in My Templates, you’ll find all the imported templates. select the related one and import this template into the page you’re editing.

Publish this page and repeat this operation for all the pages of the theme you’d like to edit with Elementor.