Creating a New Menu
The Primary Menu refers to the menu items in the header navigation bar of the web page.
To add items to this menu, you use the same steps you would a standard WordPress menu. If you do not have imported the demo content, you will first need to create new menu.
Click the create a new menu link, give the menu a name, and click the Create Menu button. Then assign this menu to the Primary menu display location, under Menu Settings.
Adding Items
Once your menu is created, you can choose items like custom links, pages, and categories, from the left column to add to the menu. If you have created custom post types or custom taxonomies those can also be added to menus. If you don’t see your custom post types or taxonomies, look under the Screen Options to make sure the related checkbox is enabled.
After items have been added to a menu, drag and drop to put them in the order you want. To create menus with hierarchy, drag a menu item a little to the right to make it a submenu. You’ll see when the position of the drop target shifts over to portray the nested placement.
You can also click each item to reveal additional configuration options. You can specify a different navigation label for a menu item as well as other attributes.
When you have finished building your custom menu, make sure you click the Save Menu button.
Assigning the Menu Location
You can create multiple menus. If your theme includes more than one menu display location, you can choose which custom menu to associate with each. So, make sure you have assigned this menu to the Primary menu display location under Menu Settings after your items are added.
Finally, please note that you can use custom menus with the Custom Menus widget or the Grimlock Custom Menu Section widget in any widget area available for your theme.
Adding Buttons in Navigation
In case you would like to style an item as a button, you can add the menu-item--btn-primary
or menu-item--btn-secondary
CSS class to the item. These CSS classes will use the Primary button style or the secondary button style.
Note that it doesn’t work in a sub-menu.
Going Further
Creating a Mega Menu with posts inside
Thanks to a third party plugin and a Grimlock Posts section, you’ll be able to add posts in your menu to make it more dynamic for your visitors.
Customizing the Navigation
The primary navigation for your website can be modified through the Customizer. You can edit the font, colors, layout and many other things to make it look exactly as you like.
Creating Mega Menus
A mega menu is organised in columns to make a long sub-menu clearer. Moreover, an image can be added in background so this sub-menu can be more appealing.