If you are completely new to WordPress and would like to learn more about widgets, we highly recommend reading the WordPress Widgets guide available from the Codex.
Your theme comes with lots of built-in widgets that you can use in the 17+ different widget areas of your website. To add widgets, go to Appearance > Widgets. For an improved user experience, we recommend adding widgets through the Customizer as it helps you to preview your changes. You can access this under Appearance > Customize > Widgets.
Sidebar 1-2 Widget Areas
The “Sidebar” widget area controls the widgets displayed to the left and right of the content in all your pages that appear on standard WordPress pages such as blog posts and pages. These areas are best served when using standard WordPress widgets such as “Pages”, “Menu”, “Archives”, “Meta”, “Search”, etc.
Preheader 1-2-3-4 Widget Areas
The “Preheader 1-2-3-4” widget areas controls the widgets that appear above the Header, at the very top of all your pages. Any standard WordPress widgets will fit into these areas.
Prefooter 1-2-3-4 Widget Areas
The “Prefooter 1-2-3-4” widget areas controls the widgets that appear above the Footer of all your pages. Any standard WordPress widgets will fit into these areas.
Footer 1-2-3-4 Widget Areas
The “Footer 1-2-3-4” widget areas controls the widgets that appear at the very bottom of all your pages. Any standard WordPress widgets will fit into these areas. This is usually where the copyright mention and the secondary menu are placed.
Before Content Widget Area
The “Before Content” widget area controls the widgets that appear above the content of all your pages. Section widgets will fit better into these areas.
After Content Widget Area
The “After Content” widget area controls the widgets that appear under the content of all your pages. Section widgets will fit better into these areas.
Homepage Widget Area
Your theme offers a widgetized page template called “Homepage“, which has all of its content managed with widgets through the “Homepage” widget area. Adding preferably section widgets to the Homepage widget area is one of the few steps into creating a catchy and modern homepage for your website. You will be able to manage the settings from each section separately, thus allowing you to further tailor the display of the content showcased in your front page.
To output the widgets in this area, make sure you are viewing the WordPress page with “Homepage” page template applied.
About Section Widgets
Keep in mind when using the widgets that not all widgets can be used throughout the site. Some widgets like Grimlock Section Widget might not work properly in a Footer area because their purpose is to showcase content in a full width area, like the Homepage, the Before Content or After Content areas.