Create a New Homepage
Your theme allows you to add blocks to showcase marketing oriented content on your homepage the way you would like. To create your homepage visit Pages > Add New. On the right side of your screen assign the Full Width Template: No Header in the Template area.
By default WordPress will load your latest blog posts on the front page of your website. To set your homepage template as the front page of your website, simply visit Settings > Reading and choose your newly created page as the Front Page.
Add Blocks
When activated, the Grimlock plugin allows you to add section blocks to your homepage. Those blocks have an important number of customization options that lets you perfect the content of your page. Moreover, it provides you with 5 types of sections:
- Grimlock Section – A full width section to showcase any marketing heavy content
- Grimock Query Section – A full width section to display a query for post types
- Grimock Term Query Section – A full width section to display a query for taxonomy terms
- Grimock Posts Section – A full width section to display a query for posts
- Grimock Custom Menu Section – A full width section to display a menu