Heads up! Make sure “Reading Time WP” is installed first!
Please make sure you have Reading Time WP installed and activated before creating any custom widget area. If you haven’t already done so, you still can install this plugin before proceeding to the following steps.
Please make sure you have Reading Time WP installed and activated before creating any custom widget area. If you haven’t already done so, you still can install this plugin before proceeding to the following steps.
Add reading time for articles
First, you must install and activate the “Reading Time WP” plugin here :
Then, you can go to the settings page of this plugin (Settings > Reading Time WP) and adjust the different options as you wish.

Same settings as on the demo
If you want to reproduce the same behaviour as on our demos, here’s how to do it:

All you have to do is change the label and postfixes. Then, you can also remove the reading time on basic pages.