The posts page of your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available customization options, please navigate to Appearance > Customize.
Customizing the Posts Page General Options
To customize the general options for the posts page, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts > Posts Page > General.
- Title – The title for the posts page. Please note that to change the header title for the posts page, you must edit the page title in the administration panel of WordPress.
- Subtitle – The subtitle for the posts page. Please note that to change the header subtitle for the posts page, you must edit the page excerpt in the administration panel of WordPress.
- Filters
- Enable the Display tag filter checkbox to display the tag filter for the posts page.
- Enable the Display category filter checkbox to display the category filter for the posts page.
- Enable the Display format filter checkbox to display the format filter for the posts page.
- Posts
- Enable the Display featured images checkbox to display the featured image for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display dates checkbox to display the date for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display authors checkbox to display the author for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display contents checkbox to display the content for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display excerpts checkbox to display the excerpt for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display Continue reading checkbox to display the “Continue reading” link for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display tags checkbox to display the tags for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display categories checkbox to display the categories for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display formats checkbox to display the post format for each item of the posts page.
- Enable the Display Leave a comment checkbox to display the “Leave a comment” link for each item of the posts page.
Customizing the Posts Page Layout
To customize the layout options for the posts page, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts > Posts Page > Layout.
- Header Layout – The layout of the header for the posts page.
- Header Spread – The spread of the header for the posts page.
- Sidebars – The layout of the sidebars for the posts page. Enable the Display sidebar on mobile pages checkbox to display the sidebars when the posts page is displayed on a mobile device.
- Spread – The spread of the content for the posts page.
- Posts – The layout of the items for the posts page. Enable the Equalize height for posts checkbox to equalize the height of each item of the same row for the posts page.
Customizing the Posts Page Items
To customize the item options for the posts page, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts > Posts Page > Item.
- Border Radius – The border radius for each item of the posts page.
- Thumbnail Border Radius – The border radius of the featured image for each item of the posts page.
- Border Width – The border width for each item of the posts page.
- Padding – The padding for each item of the posts page.
- Margin – The margin for each item of the posts page.
- Background Color – The background color for each item of the posts page.
- Border Color – The color of the border for each item of the posts page.
- Title Color – The color of the title for each item of the posts page.
- Text Color – The color of the text blocks for each item of the posts page.
- Link Color – The color of the links for each item of the posts page.
- Link Color on Hover – The color of the links during the mouse hover action for each item of the posts page.
Customizing the Posts Page Style
To customize the style options for the posts page, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts > Posts Page > Style.
- Header Image – The image displayed in the background of the header for the posts page. Please note that to change the header image for the posts page, you must edit the page featured image in the administration panel of WordPress.
- Header Padding – The vertical padding of the header for the posts page, conditioning its size. Please note that the padding settings will only affect the header when displayed. You might need to review the general options for the header before customizing its padding for the posts page.
- Content Padding – The vertical padding of the content for the posts page, conditioning its size.