My users cannot create posts in front-end
Heads up! You must first have installed a plugin allowing the creation of front-end posts […]
Heads up! You must first have installed a plugin allowing the creation of front-end posts […]
With PMPro, you can create some membership levels for your users to buy to access premium content.
You can edit this page with the Customizer. Simply go to your admin panel and […]
Heads up! Want to manage memberships and charge your users for premium content ?To manage […]
Restrict your website or blog may be useful to allow your community to express itself freely. You can quickly achieve that thanks to a plugin.
Heads up! This plugin requires BuddyPressBefore you can use Social Articles, you will first need […]
Allow your community members to write posts about the subject of their choice and let them share their work on the common feed of your blog
It can be useful to export your WordPress customizer settings to save them or import them on another website. This way, you can recreate easily a clone of your website or start fresh with a backups of the customizer options.
To make your site completely private (intranet or full private content platform), you have to […]
To add a tag in a menu item, you’ll have to use some html. There are plenty of css classes that you can use to define a tag with a specific color. We made you a list so you can choose which one you’d like to use.
A large choice of icons is available for your theme. Depending on the theme you choose, several icon packs may be available.
BuddyPress Follow Plugin allows you to add a Follow feature to your website. With this feature, your users will be able to follow other users by clicking on the Follow button on the user’s profile.
Customizing menu items in vertical navigation may seem difficult, but it brings a lot of […]
The text in some sections will not be editable in the classic page builder. The reason is that they are in a menu displayed thanks to Grimlock Menu block.
To display share buttons (Facebook, twitter, etc.) on your WordPress posts, all you need to […]
Some CSS classes allow you to change the background colors of the icons used in a menu. Each of them uses a color set in the customizer.
Receive votes for any type of content you may have on your website. With WP Ulike you can have a “Like” and “Dislike” button on all your content.
Swipe through your BuddyPress members with a flick of your finger on your touch devices, or with a click of your mouse on desktop.
To allow your users to post articles in front-end, you have to use a plugin […]
Profile fields allow your users to add additional information about themselves. You can create as many profile fields as you like to ensure that your community has all the information it might need about other users.
Thanks to the Grimlock Navigation Section, you’ll be able to add a menu displayed with featured images and texts to make it more appealing to your visitors.
Thanks to a third party plugin and a Grimlock Posts section, you’ll be able to add posts in your menu to make it more dynamic for your visitors.
After importing the demo content, you might have the wrong links for the Login and […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for WooCommerce Subscriptions is installed first! Please make sure you […]
Install plugin First you need to download, install and activate the plugin YITH WooCommerce Quick […]
Install plugin First you need to download, install and activate the plugin WC Secondary Product […]
Heads up! Make sure “Reading Time WP” is installed first! Please make sure you have […]
Install plugin + Grimlock addon First you need to download, install and activate the plugin. […]
WordPress allows you to add custom CSS to change the appearance of your website through […]
Create a New Homepage Your theme allows you to add blocks to showcase marketing oriented […]
The custom logo displayed in the navigation bar of your website header can be modified […]
The title of your website header can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
The tagline of your website header can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for bbPress is installed first! Please make sure you have […]
Heads up! Make sure BuddyPress is installed first! Please make sure you have BuddyPress and […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for WooCommerce is installed first! Please make sure you have […]
The search page of your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for WooCommerce is installed first! Please make sure you have […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock for WooCommerce is installed first! Please make sure you have […]
By default, WordPress shows your most recent posts in reverse chronological order on the front […]
The posts page of your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
The single posts of your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
Your theme comes with several of built-in menu locations for your website.You can select which […]
The global appearance for your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
The global typography for your website can be modified through the Customizer. To display all available […]
The primary navigation for your website can be modified through the Customizer. You can edit the font, colors, layout and many other things to make it look exactly as you like.
The buttons displayed in the web pages of your website can be modified through the Customizer. […]
Heads up! Make sure Grimlock Hero is installed first! Please make sure you have Grimlock […]
The pre header, the area above the header displayed in all web pages of your […]
The header displayed in all web pages of your website can be modified through the Customizer. […]
The pre footer, the area above the footer displayed in all web pages of your […]
The footer displayed in all web pages of your website, can be modified through the Customizer. […]
The form controls displayed in all web pages of your website can be modified through […]
The tables displayed in all web pages of your website can be modified through the Customizer. […]
The pagination displayed in the blog page can be modified through the Customizer. To display all […]
The loader when web page is refreshed can be modified through the Customizer. To display all […]
The back to top button displayed in the web pages of your website can be […]
A mega menu is organised in columns to make a long sub-menu clearer. Moreover, an image can be added in background so this sub-menu can be more appealing.
If your theme is compatible with BuddyPress and Grimlock for BuddyPress, two built-in menu locations […]
The custom icon of your website header can be modified through the Customizer. To display all […]
Section widgets are provided by our homebrewed Grimlock plugin and integrate themselves seamlessly in your theme. They […]
This Grimlock widget we created allows you to add a new navigation menu anywhere on your pages. Moreover, you can edit the layout and style of this section thanks to the many options available.
Posts section widgets are provided by our homebrewed Grimlock plugin and integrate themselves seamlessly in your theme. […]
Query section widgets are provided by our homebrewed Grimlock plugin and integrate themselves seamlessly in your theme. […]
Term query section widgets are provided by our homebrewed Grimlock plugin and integrate themselves seamlessly in your […]
On a member profile, there is a gauge that allows you to see your percentage […]
Heads up! New to widgets ? If you are completely new to WordPress and would […]